Wordpress metabox plugin

This Wordpress plugin allows easy creation of custom forms for post editor. Forms are designed using plugin interface and displayed while post is edited. All form information is saved into post custom fields.

Real estate Google maps integrated site

Site for sharing user stories for selling houses purpose.

phpMyDict - Stardict web backend with PHP

Stardict is a popular open source dictionary program as well as file format for storing dictionaries. There are alternatives of StarDict, some of them better, some worse. But I never meet some WEB application to use dictionaries in StarDict format and interface through the web browser. I found this little interesting and created one...


AdvMan - Advertisement Manager, application for adv company to help planning of commercial spots on TV, radio, newspaper.

Visual Petri Net Plus

By this article I start publishing all interesting stuff I've made. Kind of portfolio.

Visual Petri Net Plus (VPNP)  was thesis of my diploma work at Technical University of Moldova(2000-2002). It is Petri Net designer, simulator and calculator. It has nice graphical engine that help to draw Petri net quite easy.

Theory of Petri Nets is intresting, you can find a lot of information on the net.

My work was to do graphical designer, save/load and simulation.

Tools used: Delphi 5.