Having spent some time with porting scanning application from Delphi 6 to 2009, I want to share with some working twain code. I used very well written component DelphiTwain with some modifications to run in Delphi 2009.
Program sample is attached with library, ready to run. Here is example program screenshot:
Download example here
Update: Delphi 2010
It was very kind from Gian Mario Benetti side to port this application to Delphi 2010 and add some useful features
- image rotation clockwise and counterclockwise by 90 degrees
- moving image with the mouse type PDF
- function "Save" (which is enabled only if you have made changes to the image) and "save as ..." with preview of files already in the folder (open file with Preview)
- auto save (with check box to choose to enabled or not) to automatically generate a name and save image in the folder "scan" created in the pathwhere the application is located
- correct the code that decide whether or not to open the scanner interface (there was an erroneous reference to relative ChecBox)
- icons to the buttons to embellish the interface
- disabling buttons while the scanner is active
- keyboard shortcuts for the most important buttons
Download Delphi 2010 updated code here